5 Reasons Your IT Team Needs to Beef Up Its Password Management

by Daniel Waldman, on Mon 19 August 2019

Whether you’re a small business or a Fortune 500 multinational corporation, information security should always be a top priority. Just last year, billions of digital records containing personal information were stolen through data breaches, causing tens of millions of dollars in damages. Compromised or hacked passwords are often at the root of security breaches. If that’s not reason enough to secure your company’s systems with a business password manager, here are 5 more reasons why your IT team should take steps to improve its password management.

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How secure is your account with two-factor authentication codes

by Eugene Shablygin, on Wed 08 May 2019

If you wouldn’t give a surgeon’s knife to a lumberjack for chopping down a tree, or an axe to a surgeon for performing surgery, why would you require your users to login with usernames, passwords, and obsolete two-factor authentication when Right Factor Authentication is the right tool for making your online accounts secure?

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Why I am not surprised

by Eugene Shablygin, on Mon 18 February 2019

Continuing to use usernames and passwords also known as Human Readable Credentials (HRC) is the definition of insanity. We all know they don’t work, so why do we keep using them over and over again and expecting different results each time?

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Not all authentication QR codes are created equal

by Perry Chaffee, on Mon 04 February 2019

QR codes get a bad rap due to all the people who’ve used them incorrectly. However, they can solve the single biggest problem in cybersecurity today when implemented correctly; replacing usernames, passwords, and other unsafe human readable credentials.

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